Travel Hacks for Yogis

Epic Photo by: Andy Woolard
Think traveling is too expensive for your yogi budget? We do too. The cost of campsites, eating on the road, and the gear it takes can add up quickly! That’s why we’ve compiled these wandering hacks for adventure time.
Note: As yogis, we enjoy simplicity and the satisfaction of a DIY level of direct involvement. These hacks include rolling up your sleeves!
1. Skip coffee. Did you heart skip a beat reading that? Just kidding! There’s no skipping the sweet nectar of life, but buying Starbucks by the cup is cost prohibitive to your adventure budget. Instead, opt for a french press, ground coffee, and make your own anywhere. *see gear hacks below
2. Cook, dammit! You might even like it. The number one money drop traveling or not is eating out. Imagine how much travel money can appear by skipping even a week of eating out. Some planning ahead can make all the difference. Travel with some simple spices, quick and dirty meals, and treat yoself! Here’s some of our wander staples:
Spices +
tapatio hot sauce
sea salt
malabar indian black pepper
balsamic vinegar
olive oil
Quick and Dirty
Breakfast: Coffee (duh!) pre-made overnight oatmeal, or yogurt
Lunch: Peanut butter sandwiches/ dinner leftovers/ granola bars/ carrots
Dinner: Pasta & Jar Pasta Sauce doctored up with extra garlic, balsamic, and wine if ya got it
Pro Tip: One Pot Meals prepped at home can really come in handy!
Treat Yoself
Breakfast: bacon, potatoes, and eggs over a cast iron skillet
Lunch: Easier than Taco Bell Tacos: 1 can organic refried beans, tapatio hot sauce, shred cheddar
Dinner: One Pot Stir Fry: garlic, onion, produce, rice (pre-made is pro), tamari, finish with lemon

3. Gear Hacks Yes, we want the whole REI store too! Here’s some cheap-ass stuff that works just as well for now:
Northwest Territory Propane Stove - $15 Kmart
French Press - $27.95 MooseJaw
Tent (we'd add a tarp) - $13.80 Walmart
Old blankets - free in your closet
Kayak - $140 Dick's Sporting Goods for your water access only adventures, in the long run having your own wins over rentals upwards of $75 per hour! We strap ours on the car with cargo straps.
4. Stealth Camping is best accomplished on a sleepy dirt road in a converted vehicle. We’re quickly learning that car camping essentials include: a flat surface for sleeping, window coverage/insulation, and ideally separate storage (roof box) for easy driving to camping conversion.
Where to stealth camp? Well, it depends on where you are. For a quick overnight close to the highway Walmart and Cracker Barrel parking lots are free! Camping is permitted for free in any National Land 150 ft way from a road or waterway. Be sure to google additional laws etc. by location. If you’re as lucky as we are, you might even have friends and family with extra room for travelers!
5. Do all the things! You’re sure to run into adventures and friends along the way. Some free and extreme activities can include: hiking, outdoor yoga, cliff jumping, swimmin’ holes, kayaking, climbing, acro yoga on all the things, and slackline. The nature of adventure trains our ability to adapt. When you have to plan as you go, you're bound to be surprised! Go forth and live with intention! We’ll see you down the road.