In order to best serve students, we must be committed to self-cultivation through continued study, practice, and self development.
The curriculum and schedule of this advanced training are designed for the RYT200 who is actively teaching as a profession. Training sessions will be physically and intellectually rigorous and rewarding, which challenges students to grow emotionally and spiritually. Most importantly, it’s about becoming a better teacher.
You have already completed 200 hours of training, and that allows you to get out and start teaching. But when you go out to apply what you learned in a real classroom with a wide variety of students you are likely to find your previous training is incomplete. You are faced with questions you can’t answer, people that you see struggling but don’t yet know how to help. That is what this training is is intended to remedy.
We will take a different approach than most trainings adopt. A functional approach means that we are more concerned with achieving the effect of a technique than the outward appearance of the technique itself. We ask why am I doing this pose? rather than what does it look like? Sequence with a focus on the underlying intention and benefits, with the student in the room in mind.
Completion of this program will qualify RYT200 graduates with a RYT500 certification with Yoga Alliance.
The modular schedule allows you to complete the 280 contact hours required for Yoga Alliance Certification, and will allow you to create a flexible schedule that suits your unique needs.
Module Weekends may be taken at your own pace, missed Module Weekends can be completed at a later date.
9:30 -11am: Yoga Practice
11 - 12pm: Lunch Break
12 - 6pm: Module Workshop includes breaks
10 - 11am: Yoga Practice
11:15 - 12pm: Meditation and Discussion
12 - 1pm: Lunch Break
1 - 4pm: Review and In Depth Study includes break
4:30 - 6pm: Yin Yoga practice
Teacher trainees are required to take all Modules and Series Weekends listed below. Some portions of Saturday Modules are open to the general public. This benefits teacher training students, as they will have more live examples of skeletal variation.
BARE BONES To most effectively and safely practice or teach yoga asana, one must understand the fundamental principles of anatomy. Understand the way the body moves through yoga postures by developing your X-ray vision to broaden the scope of teaching postures and variations. Through hands-on testing we will learn to assess yoga postures, exploring the impact of natural differences in our bones. Topics include: skeletal anatomy, skeletal variation, skeletal segments and movements, and teaching functionally. Bare Bones is a 4 part series. Advanced Teacher Trainees are required to repeat Bare Bones 2, 3, or 4 for in depth study and integration.
TEACHING YIN YOGA Why does Yin Yoga feel so good and why is it so different from other styles of yoga? It’s all about fascia! Learn the art of letting go; all about fascia, its unique properties, and how to safely target and stretch it. Discuss Taoist concepts of yin and yang, functional and aesthetic perspectives, and the theory of exercise. Understand functional muscular groups and how to use yin poses to stretch a specific target area. Teaching Yin Yoga is a 3 Part Module Series. Advanced Teacher Trainees are required to repeat Teaching Yin Yoga 2 or 3 for in depth study and integration.
YANG & PHILOSOPHY This Module series is all about heroic study: the Taoist Yang Yoga Practice challenges the physical body, while the Philosophy portion challenges the mind. Flowing sequences offer strong, dynamic movements to challenge muscular tissues of the body uplift the spirit. Explore the vast possibilities of Taoist Yoga’s Yang side; find center, cultivate chi, and get creative in your class sequencing. We will even explore the Yang practices of acro yoga and slackline. Philosophy discussions are led by Shane Coppage, village monk, in our study of the Tao Te Ching and other yogic texts. Yang & Philosophy is a 3 Part Module Series.
PRACTICUM Ethics of Teaching Yoga, Teaching to Target Audiences, Marketing for Yoga, Yoga Alliance Certification Standards, Practicum Classes and Observation.
SUBTLE ANATOMY refers to the energetic system of the human being, including the energy (prana/chi) that flows through channels (nadis/meridians) and energetic centers (chakras) which regulate this system. Examinine the nature of energy channels and how this can be applied to your current yoga practice or teaching. A direct and practical exploration of the energy itself is necessary, emphasizing practices that can raise one’s awareness and control of subtle energy.
ADVANCED SUBTLE ANATOMY Study the location of Meridians used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and applications to yoga postures. Discover Meridians and the energetic laws of the body through the lens of western science. Investigate meditation practices to facilitate awareness of the chakras, and their physical, emotional, and mental functions.
Understand the anatomy of common medical conditions and discover practices to assist. Yoga is an increasing reccommendation by physicians for a range of medical conditions. In this module we discuss working with focused populations and private clients.
Embody the 5 Taoist Elements in movement practices. Explore advanced sequencing concepts and expand the possibilities of creating your own. Dive deep into ancient Taoist philosophy and investigate it's practical relevance today.
Develop confidence in hands-on assists and client care. Topics Include: Assisted Yin Yoga, Thai Massage Principles, Lunar Acro-Yoga, Restorative Yoga, and Yoga Nidra.
Draw relationships between teaching yoga and holistic healing modalities. Apply concepts from acupuncture, reiki, physical therapy, manual therapy and intuitive development. Experts in their field will weigh in on our discussion.

Get away and get inspired! Daily Yoga, Meditation practices, and healthy meals restore your energy for in-depth study with a sense of humor. Enjoy evidence-based lecture sessions and hands-on training in a destination retreat format.
NEW for 2019!
Your Body Your Yoga by Bernie Clark
Yin Yoga Principles and Practice by Paul Grilley
Motoyama Meridian Exercises for Ki Energy
Tao Te Ching any translation
Additional Useful Materials optional
Paul Grilley DVD 3-pack
Anatomy for Yoga, Yin Yoga, Chakra Theory and Meditation
Philosophy texts, any translation or edition:
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Bhagavad Gita
Taoist Yoga Teacher Training Manual and Passport
Unlimited Membership to our regular weekly classes from the time you make your deposit until the end of your training.

In your training, do not be in a hurry, for it takes a minimum of ten years to master the basics and advance to the first rung.
Never think of yourself as an all-knowing, perfected master; you must continue to train daily with your friends and students and progress together in the Art of Peace.
- Morihei Ueshiba
Deposit due upon acceptance = $1500
Total Cost with payment plan = $4500
Total Cost paid in full by start date of training = $4300
1. Submit your online application
2. Pay Application Fee of $25
3. Our Director of Teacher Training will contact you within 7 days
Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it!
the moment one definitely commits oneself; All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred.

Find out if this program is right for you.